Body Image and Social Media: Examining the Influence


Body image concerns among parents arise due to the potential impact of picture-editing applications, filters, and fashion trends on their children. These worries are highlighted in a recent nationwide study by The Harris Poll for The On Our Sleeves Movement For Children’s Mental Health, which also emphasizes the need of having honest discussions and receiving help.

Body Image: The Detrimental Impact of Image Editing Apps and Filters

The poll found that a sizable 69% of parents of children under the age of 18 think that social media image-editing applications and filters negatively affect their children’s body image. The availability and use of these applications may contribute to distorted impressions of one’s own attractiveness and unrealistic beauty standards.

Body image: The impact of appearance-related trends

65% of parents worry that social media trends relating to beauty, such as dieting or exercise, would have a detrimental impact on their child’s body image in addition to picture-altering applications and filters. Young brains might be subjected to excessive social pressure, which exacerbates body image problems.

The Importance of Open Dialogue

The On Our Sleeves Movement places a strong emphasis on the value of regular check-ins and discussions on body acceptance between parents and kids. Parents may better understand their children’s thoughts about their bodies and the outside factors, such as media use, that affect how they see themselves by having frank and open conversations with them.

Expert Advice and Support

Dr. Erin McTiernan, a pediatric psychologist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and a contributor to On Our Sleeves, underscores the need of having conversations with kids about food and body issues. Fostering a healthy self-imageinvolves encouraging self-esteem-boosting activities like asking kids what they enjoy about themselves . Parents need to monitor kids’ social media use for mental health.

The Role of On Our Sleeves

On Our Sleeves offers parents tools, knowledge, and practical advice about food and self-image. Also, Reframe discussion to promote positive interaction and reduce harm.

Tips for Parents

Prioritize your entire health over your weight.
model a healthy body image.
Recognize and value your child’s excellent characteristics and non-physical attributes.

Navigating the Balance

Parents can benefit from social media while reducing negative effects.


Promoting children’s mental health requires an understanding of how social media affects their self-image. Parents can help kids develop resilience and self-assurance.

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